Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bird of Paradise

One of my mother's favorite flowers is the Bird of Paradise. This lovely bouquet belongs to my friend Shari. Of course we all remember the song "May the Bird of Paradise fly up your nose, by Little Jimmy Dikens. Now you are all humming that song. Can you remember the line that comes next?

If you look closely at the flower you will see that it includes a blue bird. This color blue is associated with spiritual awakening. It is a sign that you must lighten up and let go of the drama in your life. The bluebird teaches us to go through life with persistence and gentle strength. When a blue bird flies into your life it means that we must allow others to grow in their own way and time.

Shari also had this large Poinsettia growing. Ah another photo opportunity. Check out the legend of the Poinsettia plant.
Answer: May an elephant caress you with his toes.


merriberri said...

Since you told the answer to what was the second verse I'll add the third verse for your readers information. It is "may your wife be plagued with runners in her hose." The song is from his album I'm Little But I'm Loud. Thank goodness you didn't love that album as much as you love the christmas album with Alvin and the Chipmonks.

cat whisperer said...

Lovely post Celeste! Now what does it mean when blue birds make a family outside your front door?